
基督教社会联盟DH is committed to giving students the tools they need to succeed. We are excited to join a growing list of 基督教社会联盟 campuses that are part of the 基督教社会联盟CCESS (California S泰特 University Connectivity Contributing来 E股东权益和 Student Success) initiative.

Through 基督教社会联盟CCESS and the 基督教社会联盟DH技术检验程序, students who are starting their first semester at 基督教社会联盟DH will have the option to select an iPad technology bundle among the many technology resources available for loan to all enrolled students (as supplies last).

To receive this option, incoming students must be 至少报读一门课程.





To receive this option, incoming students must be 至少报读一门课程. The following day after enrolling in a course for the semester, students can log in to the 基督教社会联盟DH Tech Checkout Program to select the technology devices they wish to check out and use for the duration of your enrollment at 基督教社会联盟DH.

注意: Students must return the devices when they are no longer enrolled as a student, or upon graduation.  




在COVID-19大流行的整个过程中, students indicated a lack of access to a computer or mobile device as an obstacle in the way of their achievement. 基督教社会联盟CCESS (California S泰特 University Connectivity Contributing来 E股东权益和 Student Success) represents the 基督教社会联盟's commitment to closing equity gaps and providing high-quality and reliable personal computing devices to support academic achievement.

大流行期间, the 基督教社会联盟 worked to address part of this challenge by investing more than $18 million to purchase more than 21,000台笔记本电脑和平板电脑,10台,为学生提供6万个流动Wi-Fi热点, in addition to loaning out several millions of dollars' worth of existing equipment.
Ongoing challenges of the pandemic require campuses to continue to deliver some courses in virtual or hybrid modalities, 对学生的成功构成障碍. These tools will help eliminate barriers and improve student success and equitable graduation outcomes, 这些都是基社组的首要任务.

Who is eligible to receive a new technology bundle?

New students who have enrolled in at least one class are eligible. There are no income-based eligibility requirements. Students wanting to take advantage of this technology resource must register through the 基督教社会联盟DH技术检验程序.



注意: With a keyboard attachment and pencil, this technology bundle is comparable to a laptop.
Students may elect to checkout other technology devices as listed on the 技术结帐网站. 请浏览 技术结帐网站 欲知详情.


The goal is for students to have their devices by the end of the first week of the term. Distribution is generally slated to begin first day of classes.

谁拥有这个设备?? 学生毕业后还保留它吗?

The 基督教社会联盟 loans the device to students for the duration of their undergraduate education at the 基督教社会联盟. Upon graduation or if no longer enrolled in any class at 基督教社会联盟DH, 学生将被要求归还他们的设备。. Devices are provided on a loaned basis so as not to impact students’ financial aid.


Students will receive technology support from their campus IT departments. 请参阅 即时服务网站 了解更多信息. 

Will students need to have Wi-Fi access to use the device?

The iPads are Wi-Fi only models and are not equipped with cellular data service. Students will need to connect to Wi-Fi to get on the Internet, 参加Zoom会议, 在ipad上收发电子邮件, 等.

In addition to the 基督教社会联盟CCESS iPad technology bundle, students can check out a Mobile Wi-Fi hotspot (unlimited data plan) upon request via the 基督教社会联盟DH技术检验程序.


Students are responsible for the device(s) and are advised to contact their campus IT department for support if equipment is damaged. 如果设备被盗, it is the student’s responsibility to report it to the police and communicate with their campus. 在某些情况下, campus IT staff may be able to disable the device remotely, 使它在返回之前无法使用. Students are advised to contact their campus IT department for information about replacing a damaged or lost device.

Does the university track students’ usage on the device? 将收集哪些数据?

The 基督教社会联盟 will not be monitoring students’ day-to-day activities on the iPads. However, each app has a privacy s泰特ment that explains how it collects and uses information.

也就是说, 科罗拉多州立大学校园确实监控网络流量, and the mobile device management system will have the ability to alert IT staff if the student does something illegal or downloads an app not found in the official Apple App Store.

Students should refer to their campus’ Student Technology Agreement and Privacy S泰特ment.

What if students need to use assistive technology?

Students should contact their campus IT department for resources on assistive technology needs. 校园 学生残疾服务 办公室也可能是一种资源.
苹果也有各种各样的 可访问性资源 连接到iPad.

Why are only first-year and new transfer students eligible?

这个项目的重点是新生, who need more support as they begin their college careers, particularly in light of the ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Future phases of 基督教社会联盟CCESS could include returning students. Current students enrolled at 基督教社会联盟DH may visit the 基督教社会联盟DH技术检验程序 website to see what device(s) they may be qualified to checkout.



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