
Policy Goal

华南理工大学有责任维持一个有利于学业成就的教育环境. 禁止非法药物和酗酒有助于使学生放心, faculty and staff, visitors, 并向来宾表示,大学正在履行这一责任.

Policy Statement

The unlawful manufacture, 分配(销售或赠送), dispensing, possession, 在科罗拉多州立大学多明格斯山校区的任何地方都禁止使用酒精或受管制的物质(21岁及以上的居民在大学宿舍的个人生活单元内拥有隐私除外)。. 将对违反这一禁令的人采取的行动在本政策的其他地方有详细说明.

就本政策而言,术语 controlled substance 在《正规澳门平台十大赌博》(21 U.S.C. 802) and includes, but is not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, cocaine derivatives, heroin, "crack" cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, PCP, 以及通常被称为“设计毒品”的物质,如MDMA(俗称 Molly or Ecstasy). 拥有与非法使用有关的随身物品, possession, 或制造管制物质也被禁止. 非法使用或滥用酒精也包括在这项政策中.


The President has designated the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs to act in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of this policy with regard to students; the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to act in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of this policy with regard to faculty; and the Vice President for Administration and Finance to act in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of this policy for all other employees. 在所有涉嫌违反这项政策的案件中, 我们会联系州立大学警察局长. 大学校长的权威高于其他所有权威, 不包括州立大学警察.


学校将采取纪律处分 not 代替通过法律制度施加的惩罚、罚款或监禁.

对学生的纪律处分, 其中可能包括开除的处罚, 是否会遵守在 CSU Executive Order 1098.

For employees, 将在30天内采取适当的人事措施, 并且可能包括处罚直至并包括解雇. 对员工的纪律处分将按照现行的集体谈判协议和HEERA程序进行.


Under this policy, 招生管理和学生事务处每年将发布以下信息, Academic Affairs, and Administration & 每个学生和员工的财务:

  1. 明确禁止的行为标准的声明, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, 学生和雇员在大学校园内使用或分发毒品和酒精;
  2. 在当地适用的法律制裁的描述, state, 还有非法持有的联邦法律, use, 或分发非法毒品和酒精;
  3. A description of the health risks 与使用非法药物和酒精有关的;
  4. 毒品和酒精咨询的描述, treatment, 以及为学生和员工提供的康复计划.
  5. 该机构将对学生和员工实施制裁,并说明这些制裁, 直至并包括开除或终止雇用,以及因违反行为标准而转介起诉.
  6. 校园酒精声明可以在校园网站上找到 gk.craftsplusart.com.



A biennial review of this policy and related programs will be conducted by the Office of Student Life; Procurements, Contracts, Logistical and Support Services; Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs; Foundation; Student Union; the Campus Alcohol and Awareness Coordinating Team; State University Police; and University Housing to:

  1. Determine its effectiveness and implement changes to programs if they are needed; and
  2. 确保一贯执行第四段所要求的政策及其纪律程序和制裁.